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Welcome, this is a collection of things to remember and things to inform current projects.

And it’s a space to allow ideas to cross pollinate and co-mingle.

I hope you’ll find something to take with you that provokes or incites or coaxes you in the direction you’re trying to go. Or maybe you’ll find something simply causes you stop and mull. That would be good too.

Thanks for being here.

How do you win?

How do you win?

This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, but I don’t read a whole lot of sci fi. Actually, I read no sci fi. My husband loves sci fi. Because I love him, I read his favorite book Enders Game. And then went with him to the theatre to watch when the book was turned into a movie.

A central conflict in the book revolves around what it takes to win. What’s the cost? What are we willing to sacrifice? What’s on the line? Conflict escalates to the point where this exchange takes place:

Colonel Hyrum Graff: We won. That's all that matters.

Ender Wiggin: No. The way we win matters.

I couldn’t agree more. The way we win matters.

Winning may not be a word you typically use, but let’s play with it for a minute. 

When I think about where I’m headed and when I work with people who are setting goals, I ask this question: what does it look and feel like to win?

When you think about the things you’re trying to accomplish, the place you’re trying to go, the change you’re trying to create, what does it look like to win? What does it feel like? 

Be as specific as you can. Think as expansively as you can.

It’s not just setting the achieving the goal. It’s not just where you end up. It also how you get there.

What does that feel like?

The Ghost Ship

The Ghost Ship

