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Welcome, this is a collection of things to remember and things to inform current projects.

And it’s a space to allow ideas to cross pollinate and co-mingle.

I hope you’ll find something to take with you that provokes or incites or coaxes you in the direction you’re trying to go. Or maybe you’ll find something simply causes you stop and mull. That would be good too.

Thanks for being here.



What are you up to these days?

If I haven’t seen you in a while, chances are I’ll ask you some version of that question. It’s a direct route to understanding where you are and where you’re headed, as well as what your interests and priorities are.

Derek Sivers suggests that the answer to this question be a section on your website. He calls it a “Now” page.

This is different than an “About” page that provides background and information on how you’ve arrived at the current moment. And it’s different than social media updates that detail the contents of your coffee mug.

Besides answering the common question, “What are you up to these days?”, those who have a now page say it’s a good reminder of their priorities. By publicly showing what you are focused on now, it helps you say no to other requests.

Right now I’m…

  • about to crack open Frankenstein and I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never read it.

  • thinking a lot about sexual assault on college campuses.

  • spending time in San Francisco and loving it.

  • training for a 100 mile bike ride around Lake Tahoe.

  • coaching an Akimbo workshop

  • writing every day and convening groups of people to write with me.

How about you? What are you up to these days?

Spend It All, Now

Spend It All, Now

What does empathy require?

What does empathy require?